Yin Yoga Immersive Workshop + Intro to Sound Healing
There seems to be a Yin Yoga buzz in the air as yoga teachers and students are realizing the power of slowing down and turning inward with the healing effects of the practice.
If you are curious to learn more about this style of yoga, but not quite ready to commit to a full length training, then get ready for this immersive experience designed to expand your knowledge of a functional yoga practice and skeletal variations. This 6-hour training/personal enrichment program is a valuable introductory exploration for dedicated students who wish to deepen their understanding of Yin Yoga for their own self, for teachers wanting to incorporate Yin Yoga wisely and safely into their class offerings, and for wellness practitioners looking to integrate Yin Yoga into their practice. This program will also highlight the complementary modality of sound meditation and its reciprocal effects within a Yin Yoga practice. Students will have the opportunity to learn Sound Healing 101 with an introduction to the science of vibration and how it impacts the nervous system.
What is Yin Yoga?
Yin Yoga is an introspective practice that offers a chance to turn inward and nurture the calm, quiet center that is innate in all of us. Most postures are seated or reclined with 3-7 minute holds, while relaxing the body’s resistance, and allowing the deeper, dryer tissues – the fascia that wrap muscles and form joint capsules, to be safely and therapeutically stretched, hydrated and strengthened. Read this blog to learn more.
Who benefits from Yin?
Yin Yoga is ideal for people of most fitness levels who want to balance an intense exercise routine, and for those who live busy fast-paced lifestyles in work or personal endeavors. You will be trained in a meditative practice, which helps to alleviate stress, restore your energy levels, and improve flexibility.
Course notes:
- Outline: lecture, interactive labs; ending with a 90 minute yin practice & sound bath
- Saturday, May 13 at 10a – 5p w/ hourly 10 min breaks & 1-hour lunch break at 1p
- Bring a yoga mat, writing pen, notebook, and open mind eager to learn
- Suggested books (optional): The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga Philosophy Practice by Bernie Clark and The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing by Jonathan Goldman
This course is led by Jeny Dawson of Zen Soul Balance for Buddhi University and open to anyone interested in participating. Jeny specializes in teaching the theory of yoga and the science of Yin and Sound Healing. To learn more about Yin Yoga or Sound Healing join her for weekly classes or monthly sound baths. For more information email info@zensoulbalance.com